Ben & Jerry’s
Netflix Flavor Launch

Art Director and Graphic Designer worked along side Creative Director Ariel Zuckerman and Junior Designer Sydney Maresca.

**Assets created were used in Berlin, Singapore, London and Netherlands

Event Overview:
Fans and media alike enjoyed a global premiere event in New York City to announce the new partnership between Ben & Jerry’s and Netflix with their latest flavor “Netflix & Chilll’d”. Guests walked the green carpet for the paparazzi before heading into the theater for an exclusive screening announcement and a comedy performance by Michelle Buteau. A completely transformed after-party followed, including partnership-forward, interactive photo moments, a signature cocktail, flavor-inspired menu, and of course unlimited scoops of the new Netflix & Chilll’d.

The Goals:
Communicate & bring to life the two brands’ shared values & spiritual alignment.

Create an immersive experience that media, storytellers, & fans will want to share.

Celebrate & invite true fans of both brands to engage in an experience that they can’t get anywhere else.

Provide fans with the opportunity to connect with each other over what they have in common – a shared love for both Ben & Jerry’s & Netflix.

Create an experience that has global appeal and can translate across global markets.

The Results:
Seamless co-branding and curated shareable moments during the after-party spoke to the experience of enjoying a scoop of ice cream and streaming content.

Gained earned media around the partnership announcement and lots of on-site fan-generated social sharing.

Owning guest management through Eventbrite allowed us to craft the perfect invite for true Ben & Jerry’s fans, and surprise Netflix fans once the partnership was revealed during the event.

Assets were created and re-formatted to be used by teams all over the globe during their partnership premier events.

Press Articles:
Hollywood Reporter
Times Square
Reel Chicago


Pre-Event | Arrival & Green Carpet

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Exterior Branding (Pre 4).jpeg
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Premiere Programming

Programming 7.jpeg
Exterior Branding (After Party 3).jpeg

After Party

After Party.jpeg
On The Pint 2.jpeg
Spoon Mates.jpeg
What I'm Made of.jpeg
Picture This.jpeg
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Netflix & Chillld 2.jpeg